The Concept of Integration Through Law


Law is the body of rules that govern behavior and are enforced by governmental and social institutions. Its precise definition has long been contested. Some describe it as a science and others see it as an art of justice. Regardless of its exact definition, there is much debate about its principles. This article explores some of these principles and discusses how they apply to legal issues.

Principles of the inner morality of law

The inner morality of law is a concept that embodies the idea that a law can be moral. As such, the law has a moral obligation to be obeyed. In Fuller’s theory, law has “principles of legality,” which he argues are inherent to law.


There are two types of law: formal law and informal law. In informal law, a group of people use a set of procedures to resolve their disputes. In the case of formal law, judges and courts are involved. In informal law, social norms and practices are used to resolve disputes.


Procedural law is a branch of law that regulates the way that a court hears and determines cases in civil, criminal, and administrative proceedings. It is also known as remedial law or the rules of the court.


Substantive law is the body of law that defines crimes and establishes punishments. It also outlines legal relationships between individuals and entities. These relationships include rights, obligations, and situations of liability.

Integration with other ideals

To understand the concept of integration through law, it is important to think about the wider context in which law operates. In the legal context, integration can be structured by concepts such as homogeneity, equality, and exclusion. While this article is concerned with the theory of integration, it also explores the implications of the concept of integration through law in the context of contemporary social and political conditions.

Impact on politics

In a time of polarization and increasing political polarization, the impact of law on politics is important. For example, it can shape political accountability by defining criminal acts and establishing justice institutions. It can determine whether to prosecute a crime and how tightly political authorities control prosecutors.