Writing a Legal Article


Law is the system of rules that a society establishes and enforces to help keep order, protect property and people and ensure justice. The laws are enforced through a system of courts which judge cases, give decisions and impose punishments. Lawyers are people who work in this field, advising, representing and acting as a judge for the public. Law is a vast subject and encompasses many different fields such as criminal, labour, competition and tax laws.

The legal system shapes politics, economics, history and society in many ways. It also serves as a mediator of relations between people. Generally speaking law is based on the principles of fairness, impartiality and equity. It is designed to serve the needs of a diverse society and reflect the social make-up of a nation. In addition, the law must be accessible and publicised. Lastly, it must be capable of responding to changing social and environmental conditions.

While some countries have legislatures which codify and consolidate their laws, others have a common law system where judges develop the law by interpreting existing precedents and creating new law. Other forms of law exist such as religious law and customary law. Religious law is based on religious precepts such as the Jewish Halakha, Islamic Sharia and Christian canon law. It is important to note that religion cannot dictate behavior which is unattainable, but rather imposes restrictions and prohibitions within a limited physical world.

Legal article writing is a demanding exercise that requires deep research and several drafts of compilation. The first step is to decide the subject of the article and its purpose. This will guide the entire writing process. The next stage is the analysis which will examine the topic in detail. It is important to remember that the legal article should have a smooth flow and be presented in a logical manner. This will enable the reader to follow along without any confusion.

The final stage is the conclusion where the writer must summarise the arguments and issues raised throughout the article. It is also essential to point out any flaws or weaknesses in the argument and provide solutions where possible. It is also important to avoid jargon when possible as most non-lawyers will not be familiar with it.

The overall objective of a legal article should be to educate the general public about a particular issue, event or policy and how it affects society in general. To achieve this, the author must present the information in a clear and concise way using a simple format that is easy to read. In addition, the author must explain technical terms and concepts to those with little or no legal training. This approach will make the legal article more accessible to a greater audience. Lastly, the author must be sure to reference all sources used in the article. This will provide the reader with the information they need to evaluate the article and make their own informed decision.