What Is News?

News is information about events in the world that affect people. It can be reported on radio, television or in newspapers and magazines. People can also access news online. News is important to societies because it provides a sense of community by connecting people to what’s happening in the world around them.

A good news article starts with a lead that is clear and concise, telling the reader what the story is about. It then orders the information that follows in order of importance. The most critical details are listed first. The rest of the details follow in chronological order. A well written news article will not contain the writer’s opinion, and will use quotes from experts in the field.

The societal significance of the event or issue is the key factor in determining whether it’s newsworthy. For example, a bug is not usually newsworthy in and of itself, but if it’s causing damage to crops it becomes newsworthy. It’s also important to consider what type of audience you’re writing for when creating an article. A company’s news may only be relevant to customers, but a breaking story about a natural disaster could be relevant to a much broader audience.

All societies are interested in famous people and what they do, which makes it newsworthy when they fall from grace or get involved in scandal. This is especially true when it involves behaviour which is unusual or which goes against society’s generally accepted standards. People are also interested in the health of others and themselves, which means they’re interested in stories about medicine, hospitals and clinics, diseases, diet and exercise. People are also interested in entertainment – the news is full of stories about music, theatre and film.

Many cultures have traditions that are different from each other, and this can be a source of interesting news. For example, it might be common for a town crier in Renaissance Florence to announce the deaths of prominent citizens, while this is not done in many modern cities. The way in which the news is gathered can also be fascinating, for example a veteran journalist who is covering an event will return with documents and facts, but also with descriptions that bring the scene to life. The ability to use all the senses to capture a story can be difficult and requires practice.

Another skill required to be a good reporter is being able to discern what’s significant and what’s not. For example, a robbery at a grocery store might be newsworthy, but not the fact that a person dropped a wallet and didn’t notice it. It’s also important to be able to attribute the source of your information, such as by using direct quotes or by referring to the court documents or census figures that you used as sources. This ensures that you are not misrepresenting your facts. It’s a requirement of journalism that all information you report be accurately sourced.